"...to carry away memories brought for the forgetting
on one thousand one auspicious origami birds
whispering over chilled salmon, ripe fruit
suggesting the fertility of the afternoon."
from the poem, "One thousand one wedding cranes" 1998
Death in the time of flowers
Death unlike other callers
has an uneven gate, a maze like path
in its Dali-clock time keeping.
When you try to slam the door
he rolls out of reach magic mercury,
slips around back unseen
finds, a dry, quiet corner
to practice patience.
If only i had listened
to the melody of marigolds
i would have heard echoes
of his invisible footprints
realized he had moved
into my basement apartment
with no date on vacancy
no forwarding address but mine.
© Sharon Lopez Mooney, “Death in the time of flowers”, originally published in The Phoenix, ed. Louisa Parrish,. Western North Carolina, USA 2023