"...to carry away memories brought for the forgetting
on one thousand one auspicious origami birds
whispering over chilled salmon, ripe fruit
suggesting the fertility of the afternoon."
from the poem, "One thousand one wedding cranes" 1998
Just this side
One thought or the other, a single micro motion
or the whole almost invisible separation just this side of there
a line so fine so infinite, mind, eye, heart cannot find it even
in sunlight, nor see the synaptic discharge of creation vibrate on it
if you can think it you’ve missed the stop, the line, the gate,
a close encounter with the truth, we might call it death
creation has no name, a breath simply settled along the separation
just this side of there, an electric shock in life’s kinesis
we like sharp corners true, clear lines, defining moments
straight talk, we like it hard and fast and sure
oh, but that line, an ephemeral exhale of conception’s twilight,
a breeze of bird’s wing high above breathable air
that defining quality between here and there, where i am and not
where tomorrow and yesterday are wrapped in embrace
just this side of that gate is where we live for now, spoken into being
until we find ourselves whispered onto the other side of now
a line so fine, it pulses imperceptible forever
Copyright © Sharon Lopez Mooney, “of earth”, originally published in Alchemy and Miracles Anthology, ed. Cassandra Arnold, Gilbert and Hall Press, Calgary, Canada 2023